PoC | Equnix Business Solutions

List of PoC (Proof of Concept) Portfolios

As a Leading IT Solution Provider in Indonesia, we are strongly confident in delivering our solution and technology. Time to time our client wanted to see the best implementation and test the great solution that we offer to their needs. We are more than happy to serve our Clients and Partners, to conduct Proof of Concept on their premises for their sample production data and system. We love to see their great smiles on their successful of PoC according to the scenario and aligned with the prepared Rundown.

Lotte Mart

Equnix team has done Proof of Concept for Data Warehouse System using Deepgreen and also replication implementation with ArkCDC on Lottemart Indonesia. There are two dozens of tables extracted and synchronized, where the biggest table has around one billion rows, and total synchronized data is almost one Terabytes. While the hardware specifications are not the same with the data source, our test server hardware is much lower than the Oracle one, but still, it gave great results. Some queries are more than 20 times faster, where on Oracle it run about an hour and half and on Deepgreen, it run less than three minutes for around two third million rows. In this POC also demonstrated ArkCDC to replicate data from Oracle database to PostgreSQL database. ArkCDC can directly access redo log on the Oracle database and it will make the data extraction very fast and guarantees that the data consistency by analyzing file format and directly extracting changed data. On the demo from the Oracle server, user inserted about thousands of rows data and then inserted another thousands rows of data. The records are immediately replicated to the Deepgreen within 12 seconds.

Reporting Queries Comparison
No Query Report Name Oracle (in minutes) Deepgreen (in minutes) Speed Gain Total Row Count
1 Report1 85 2.8 21500% 663.034
2 Report2 25 2.4 830% 104
3 Report3 7.5 3.3 2121% 383.359
4 Report4 120 10 1200% 154


Equnix team has done Proof of Concept for Data Warehouse System using Deepgreen on PT Pegadaian by doing Extraction Transform and Load from DB2 Database to Deepgreen. There are dozen of tables that the data have been loaded and synchronized to Deepgreen, where the biggest table has about half billion rows, and total synchronized data is around two fifth Terabytes. Equnix has presented the progress results of the POC by testing insert reporting queries submitted by Pegadaian Team. Compared with execution time on DB2 database, the reporting queries run very fast in Deepgreen. On DB2, the query has execution time around 25 minutes and on Deepgreen the execution time is around 31 seconds, it’s 48 times faster on Deepgreen. For further details, please check on the report below.

Reporting Queries Comparison
No Query Report Name Oracle (in minutes) Deepgreen (in minutes) Speed Gain Total Row Count
1 Report1 17 3.5 485% 33741
2 Report2 11 1.2 916% 15
3 Report3 13 1.6 812.5% 13

Telkom Akses

Equnix team has done Proof of Concept for Data Warehouse System using Deepgreen with also implementing ETL Tools to extract data from Oracle Database to Deepgreen on Telkom Akses Indonesia. There are dozen of tables that the data have been loaded and synchronized to Deepgreen, where the biggest table has about a quarter hundred million rows. Equnix has presented the progress results of the POC by testing reporting queries submitted by Telkom Akses. Compared with execution time on Oracle database, the queries run 20 times faster on Deepgreen with result for almost half million rows.

Reporting Queries Comparison
No Query Report Name Oracle (in minutes) Deepgreen (in minutes) Speed Gain Total Row Count
1 Report1 37 4.8 770% 408.122
2 Report2 33 19.6 173% 233.291
3 Report3 2 0.4 500% 24.338
4 Report4 17 0.7 2420% 465.676

Astra Pay

Equnix team has done Proof of Concept of CubeOne as on of enterprise encryption solution for PostgreSQL. Equnix provided the environment for testing to Astrapay team, and they have done the testing by integrating with the application.


*The published PoC reports are for 2020 PoC activities. There still more PoC reports from before 2020 to be published in the future.

*Not all materials are ready to be published, we will update time to time. Please visit the page again later.
