Training PostgreSQL Advance

We Empowering Corporations with Advance PostgreSQL in-house training. PostgreSQL Training for those who’s eager to learn more about the World’s Most Advanced ORDBMS. Our Training improves your knowledge on PostgreSQL, both on fundamentals and Advanced levels. The program is trained by our experienced experts and best practitioners in PostgreSQL. In house Advanced PostgreSQL covers detailed knowledge about PostgreSQL foundations and Performance Experience for Developer or General Database Administrator.

Our training is backed with Professional Certification.

Advance PostgreSQL Class Schedule

Day Session Topic Duration Description
1 1 PreTest 1 hour Before Training Test
2 ORDBMS Concept in General 2 hours ACID Concept; OLTP and OLAP Concept;
3 Architecture 2 hours Core Architecture (Shared Memory, WAL Buffer, Commit Log, etc.); Journaling Concept; Replication Concept; HA Concept; Archiving Concept;
4 Hardware/OS Optimization Concept 1 hour Managing kernel related parameters; Managing CPU scheduling parameters; Managing Storage level parameters;
5 Server-side Optimization Concept 2 hours How to tune Server-side Configuration (shared_buffer, commit_delay, bgwriter_delay, fsync commit, synchronous commit, etc.);Data Partitioning (Tablespace, FDW);Capacity Planning;Page size, data type usage, TOAST;How server manages indexes;
2 1 Client-side Optimization Concept 1 hour Design Database Structure; Multi-level Caching (disk, kernel, shared mem, heap, CPU data cache); Implementing and monitoring index usage (concurrently, effectively, and forcing usage); EXPLAINing Query Plan;
2 Installation & Administration 2 hours Using psql; Host-based Authentication Configuration; PostgreSQL Server-side Configuration (parameters); Plugins Installation;
3 Monitoring (Hands-on) 3 hours Monitoring Views (active sessions, blocked query, deadlock, table statistics, index statistics, planner statistics, pgstattuple); PostgreSQL System Catalogs (stats);Log Management (prefix, retaining);How to analyze slow queries;Identifying checkpoint overhead;
4 Data & Access Security (Hands-on) 2 hours Host-based Authentication Configuration; User Roles Privileges;passwordcheck;Integrating with LDAP; Enabling SSL; pg_crypto for encryption;
3 1 Benchmarking & Server-side Tuning 2 hours Hardware Benchmarking (I/O Test, Seek Rate Test); Best Practices on High Performance System; pgBench Tools Explained; Hands-on tuning & benchmarking; Identifying and optimizing resource usage/bottleneck;
2 Multitier Backup & Restore (Hands-on) 4 hours Cold Backup; Hot Backup; Incremental Backup; Point in Time Recovery; Backup tools;
3 Connection Management (Hands-on) 2 hours Implement and manage pgBouncer; Maintaining connection failover using libpq;
4 1 Partition & Tablespace (Hands-on) 2 hours How to configure Tablespace; How to configure Partition; Best practices on Performance Tuning using Tablespace & Partition;
2 Replication (Hands-on) 2 hours Synchronous Replication; Asynchronous Replication; Cascading Replication; Multi-slave Replication; Logical Replication Explained;Late Replication;
3 High Availability Implementation (Hands-on) 4 hours HA Concept & Hands-on; Failover & Recovery Mechanism; Combining Replication & Pacemaker on HA Implementation;
5 1 Exotic Features 2 hours JSONB; FDW; UPSERT Query; Row Level Security; Paralel Worker;
2 VACUUM Management (Hands-on) 2 hours Dealing with bloated tables and index using xmin & xmax; Implement and manage VACUUM and AUTOVACUUM;Freezing & Transaction ID wraparound;
3 Special Topic/Free Discussion 3 hours SQL Query Tuning; Art of Indexing; pg_upgrade;
4 Post-Training Test 1 hours Post-training Test;

* Training locations, material and times are subject to change based on availability of facilities or other unforeseen circumstances. Please confirm back one week prior to the training to verify specific details.

Training Registration Form

PostgreSQL Training Terms & Condition

  1. Participant agreed to follow the deliverance of PostgreSQL training at all of the training process.
  2. Participant is to be expected in Equnix training centre area before the training time.
  3. Participant must inform the training committee whenever participant will come late or not present.
  4. Participant prepare their own laptop with Linux Operating System or Virtual Box ready in all of the training sessions.
  5. Training Delivery Cycle :
    1. Registration (fill the registration form, sign and deliver to Equnix)
    2. Re-registration on arrival
    3. Pre Training Test
    4. Training Session
    5. Post Training Test
  6. In term of any specific request for the training, participant should mention the request maximum in 3 days before the first day of the training schedule.
  7. Participant is to be expected not to disturb other participant during the training time.
  8. Participant who are absent during the training session will not get any leaved day remedial and will have to follow the rest of the training.
  9. Participant who are absent more than 2 days (in the Basic Training) and 3 days (in the advance training) will not receiving the training participation certificate.
  10. If in any condition participant who have registered and paid for the training is unable to join any of the training days, then the participant will need to send the request letter to postpone to the next training schedule 5 days before the selected training schedules starts.
  11. Any participant without proper request letter and information who failed to attend any or all of the training days will get no replacement schedule, if the participant still interested in the training he/she needs to re-enroll and pay a full payment for the next training schedule.