Equnix Business Solution | an Open Source and Open Mind Company


We Empower Corporations with Advance PostgreSQL In-House Training

PT. Anabatic Technologies (Anabatic)

PT. Anabatic Technologies (Anabatic) is one of the leading IT solutions companies in Indonesia, offering IT solutions for businesses especially in the face of the increasingly shifting economic development of the digital economy, where businesses are increasingly needing to discuss and structure their internal business processes related to the digital economy.

Although only established since 2002, Anabatic has grown to include several companies under the aegis of Anabatic group. These companies include PT. Aristi Jasadata, which provides Cloud solutions for businesses, PT. Q2 Technologies, which provides IT system security solutions for businesses, Mahacitta, Emporia Digital, KPSG and Computrade Technology International. In 2016, Equnix provides advanced PostgreSQL Advanced Training for Database Administrator (DBA) and Developer in Anabatic group. The training participants from Equnix do not only cover from PT. Anabatic Technologies, but also includes DBA and Developer of PT. Aristi Jasadata and also PT. Q2 Technologies. The feedback results collected from PostgreSQL Advanced Training participants at Anabatic showed high levels of satisfaction.

PT. Bursa Efek Indonesia

Capital market or stock exchange has been present since the Dutch colonial era and precisely in 1912 in Batavia. The capital market was established by the Dutch Indies government for the benefit of the colonial government or the VOC. Although capital markets have existed since 1912, the development and growth of the stock market have not gone as expected. The Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) or IDX is a joint stock exchange of the Jakarta Stock Exchange (JSE) with the Surabaya Stock Exchange (BES). For the sake of operational effectiveness and transactions, the Government decided to merge the Jakarta Stock Exchange as a stock market with the Surabaya Stock Exchange as a bond and derivative market. This merged stock started operations on December 1, 2007.

Equnix held an In House PostgreSQL Basic Training which was held at PT. Indonesia Stock Exchange located in Indonesia Stock Exchange Building, Niaga Sudirman Area, Jalan Jenderal Sudirman 52-53, Senayan, Kebayoran Baru, South Jakarta. Training is held on May 19 - May 26, 2017 from 10 am to 4 pm. Training is held for 5 days with a total duration of 30 hours. PostgreSQL Training from Equnix enables participants to learn basic skills and important information related to PostgreSQL Administration such as: PostgreSQL Architecture, Configuration, Installation, Monitoring, Maintenance, Data Replication, Backup and Restore. In addition to conceptually, Equnix also provides in-depth tutorials of presentation slides as well as hands-on sessions that will add to participants understanding of real-time use of PostgreSQL. Training participants are very interested and enthusiastic on some material topics delivered such as Monitoring, Backup and Restore, and Replication.

PT. Paragon Technology and Innovation (PTI)

PT. Paragon Technology Innovation (PTI) was established in 1985 and has obtained GMP (Good Manufacturing Practice) certificate with large production capacity and excellent cosmetic formulation. With more than 28 years of experience, PTI has brought Wardah as the biggest local brand in Matahari, one of the largest department stores in Indonesia. Equnix held a Public PostgreSQL Advanced Training on 27 March - 3 April 2017. The training was held at Equnix office located at Plaza Semanggi 9th Floor, South Jakarta. Training conducted for 5 days with a total duration of 40 hours. There are 7 participants consisting of 4 participants from Harapan Kita National Heart Center Hospital and 3 participants from PT. Paragon Technology and Innovation.

PostgreSQL Training from Equnix enables participants to learn basic skills and important information related to PostgreSQL Administration such as PostgreSQL Concepts and Architectures, PostgreSQL Installation by Compiling, Objects and Query, Monitoring, Maintenance, Data Replication, Backup and Restore. This PostgreSQL training teaches advanced skills on how to manage PostgreSQL Databases to participants. The training is not only a conceptual explanation, but there is a hands-on session on any given material. Trainer will guide trainees in doing hands-on. Some materials such as Query Tuning, Replication and High Availability are highly eagerly awaited by participants.

Rumah Sakit Jantung dan Pembuluh Darah Harapan Kita (RSJPDHK)

Rumah Sakit Jantung dan Pembuluh Darah Harapan Kita (National Cardiovascular Center Harapan Kita) is a special hospital that is the National Referral Center for the handling of heart and blood vessels (cardiovascular). The hospital was founded by the Harapan Kita Foundation and was inaugurated on November 9, 1985. As the National Cardiovascular Center, in addition to providing heart health services, RSJPDHK was also developed as a vehicle for education and training, and research in cardiovascular health.

Equnix held a Public PostgreSQL Advanced Training on 27 March - 3 April 2017. The training was held at Equnix office located at Plaza Semanggi 9th Floor, South Jakarta. Training conducted for 5 days with a total duration of 40 hours. The participants are 7 people consisting of 4 participants from Heart Hospital and Blood Vessel Harapan Kita (RSJPDHK) and 3 participants from PT. Paragon Technology and Innovation. Equnix brings advanced PostgreSQL Training with material around PostgreSQL Concepts and Architectures, PostgreSQL Installation by Compiling, Objects and Query, Monitoring, Maintenance, Data Replication, Backup and Restore. This PostgreSQL training teaches advanced skills on how to manage PostgreSQL Databases to participants. In this training, participants are hands-on accompanied by internationally experienced and experienced certified trainers. Training participants are very enthusiastic in doing hands-on plus the tutorial provided in the form of presentation slides that make it easier in doing hands-on. Some of the materials in the hands-on is PostgreSQL Installation using PostgreSQL Database, Administration and Monitoring, Backup and Restore, and Replication.

Badan Kepegawaian Negara

Equnix provides advanced PostgreSQL Training Database to Database Administrator (DBA). This training is designed to provide participants from BKN deeper exploration of the PostgreSQL Database system, both conceptually and technically, as well as an understanding of PostgreSQL's more in-depth features, and gain technical capabilities on PostgreSQL features such as Backup, Restore and Replication. All these materials will assist them in running their projects.


Universitas Jember (UNEJ)


Equnix provides advanced PostgreSQL Training Database to Database Administrator (DBA). This training is designed to provide participants from UNEJ deeper exploration of the PostgreSQL Database system, both conceptually and technically, as well as an understanding of PostgreSQL's more in-depth features, and gain technical capabilities on PostgreSQL features such as Backup, Restore and Replication. All these materials will assist them in running their projects.

PT. NSSOL Systems Indonesia

PT. NSSOL Indonesia is japanese company with a joint venture with PT. Sakura System Solutions to expand their business in Indonesia. Their provided solution in IT such as AI/Machine Learning, ERP, IT Infrastructure, etc.

Equnix provides advanced PostgreSQL Training Database to Database Administrator (DBA) and Developer. This training is designed to provide participants from NSSOL deeper exploration of the PostgreSQL Database system, both conceptually and technically, as well as an understanding of PostgreSQL's more in-depth features, and gain technical capabilities on PostgreSQL features such as Backup, Restore and Replication. All these materials will assist them in running their projects.

Previously NSSOL had received PostgreSQL training from other providers, but the impact was less effective. Instead NSSOL is satisfied with the training of Equnix, where NSSOL has more than once assigned Equnix to PostgreSQL training.


PT. Sumber Alfaria Trijaya

PT. Sumber Alfaria Trijaya founded in 1989 started his business in the field of trade and distribution, then in 1999 began to enter the mini market. Expansion was exponentially started by the Company in 2002 by acquiring 141 Alfaminimart outlets and carrying the new name Alfamart. Alfamart is a shopping partner of Indonesian society that has existed for 17 years. So no wonder if we can easily find outlets franchise Alfamart scattered in almost all corners of the city.

For the public's trust in the quality of service provided by Alfamart Indonesia in 2015 Alfamart franchise also managed to get the Top Brand Award 2015. Equnix held an In House PostgreSQL Training on March 13 - March 16, 2017. The training was held at Alfamart headquarters located in Cikokol, Tangerang. Training conducted for 4 days with a total duration of 32 hours. Equnix brings training with "Migration Oracle to PostgreSQL" material. The material is given upon request from Alfamart. The training materials provided around the PostgreSQL Concept and Architecture, PostgreSQL Installation by compiling, Advanced SQL Language which focuses on the query differences between Oracle and PostgreSQL, Monitoring, Maintenance, Data Replication, Backup and Restore and Migration from Oracle Database to PostgreSQL Database. This PostgreSQL training teaches advanced skills on how to install PostgreSQL using compilation, migrating from Oracle to PostgreSQL, technical issues surrounding the differences between Oracle and PostgreSQL, as well as any points to consider before and after migrating from Oracle to PostgreSQL. There are several examples of cases given to trainees as a further illustration to be applicable in the Database migration process. It increases the knowledge and ability of the participants in the process of using it, especially supported by a fairly easy to understand training slide for the participants.

PT Artajasa Pembayaran Elektronis

Advanced PostgreSQL training, the training quite good overall. Trainer mastered the material well, the attitude towards the participants was polite and material was quite good.

Aulia Heryanov
Issue Operation Department – IT Operation 2 Division
PT. Electronic Payment Artajasa
