OSS is a shorthand of Open Source Software, which actually NOT every open source software complies with Open Source term. To understand better about Open Source terminology we should refer to the one who coined it the first time and you may refer to the OpenSource.Org website.
So, what Open Source Software we talking about right now is the one who actually uses OSS with the correct license of Open Source such as: GPL, BSD, etc. And moreover, since it is being used in business, we added some other prerequisites.
This is about what other prerequisites, the Open Source Way in delivering OSS into a real business case, in the real world.
The OSS we are referring to, is actually a specific one which we call Pure Open Source, since the other one is considered as non-pure one. The purity here refers to the intent of its developers, while there is no single entity which can drive the roadmap of the project (OSS is a project, anyway), then it is fine. This is the additional prerequisite we talked about before.
This is important because sometimes, a company or an institution creates a product and distributes it as open source, but actually the development is always lead by them, and most people didn’t notice until it became no longer open source.
The implementation of dual licensing is also an indication of specific intent and therefore considered as non-pure one. A pure here can be read as sincerity of the community of developers in the development process of the OSS. PostgreSQL, GNU/Linux is a great example of pure OSS.
So, while non-pure one is quite easy to understand their business intent, and we have no problem with their strategy, it is also easy for users to adopt it since it also comes with the warranty for their commercial version. They are riding the Open Source hype term for their marketing strategy, but we don’t talk about morality here.
So, there are 2 options for pure Open Source for being market as part of a commercial solution in business especially in corporation: following the “forking as commercial” business model, or do it as Open Source way.
Forking as a commercial model is quite common; that happens for pure and non-pure. There are many examples of them, and they have more downsides, rather than upsides, we will talk about them on another occasion.
Open Source is not talking about software, and license, it is a movement, moreover it is a spirit, a passion, an antithesis. “Do it Open Source Way” means to use the OSS comprehensively with the spirit, with their goal at first place, but this time we implement it in corporations. This is what we talk all about.
It is not to give them a free sample, this is not a free mean in the Open Source. Open Source aims to free people of the vendor-lock in, this is what we do.
Serving them professionally, completely regarded as Enterprise delivery, serving them with the same quality of delivery of the proprietary software but with
the ease and freedom delivered by the Open Source itself.
To set them free, one doesn't re-license, instead deliver the PostgreSQL License all the way to the client.
(PostgreSQL is the example in this talk)
Open Source is something like an orphan, it doesn’t have any institution who holds production responsibility like a manufacturer as it is the parent. We should become their foster parent, and take any responsibility that might occur on the production system. One should master the software to be able to take this big responsibility. It is really not an easy task, it requires a great amount of time and passion. PostgreSQL License all the way to the client. (PostgreSQL is the example in this talk)
OSS is not a complete product, since Open Source Developers are mostly coders, hackers, and academics. Usually they might not have any business perspective,
at least when they are coding, they might not even like to do something not related to their interest.
Somehow PostgreSQL indeed has great documentation, but still it requires many other documentation, such as Administrations, Production level troubleshooting,
etc; As part of Enterprise delivery, it should have: Standard Operating Procedures, Best Practice, etc; Supporting Tools: Monitoring, Administration, etc;
Automation Script: Start/stop/restart/recover/etc;
There are many other things in order the software can be used professionally, not to mention the support level: Level 1: Technical Support, Level 2: Expert Support,
Level 3: Principal Level Support;
Actually this is the hardest part, to participate in developing the business ecosystem. Usually, proprietary software comes with their maturity and investment creates their own ecosystem:
Marketing Strategy, Sales and Distribution, Training and Certification, Expert Support, and develops local support up to campus penetration. This is a luxury for OSS.
We don’t say that this cannot be done in Open Source, but this actually requires great effort and focus.
Every technology requires their own ecosystem, there is no technology implementation without accompanied by their ecosystem.
Since we understand that OSS is not coming completely, we should complete it. PostgreSQL is not designed to be used in such industry.
Therefore We should be able to design the implementation so PostgreSQL can be used well in this or that industry.
With our understanding of the architecture of PostgreSQL, plus our understanding of the underlying IT system such as the OS,
Hardware, its constraint, and the general behavior of the business process, We should have able to do it well.
So, We should master not only the technical aspect, but the operation and business aspect as well.
Eventually we should develop the standard by its technical and natural constraints of the application.
Last but not least, Open Source is not coming from a fancy tall building with ties and nice suits.
Open Source guys are somehow represented as people with unkempt beards, shabby shirts, working without any working hours.
Those representations are of course incorrect. With the mastery of above points, having a defined standard of delivery and procedure,
implementing it professionally is very much demanded by clients.
Corporations require a tight delivery schedule, professional and great manner of communication.
Delivering the Open Source service in a professional manner is very much expected just like quenching your thirst in the desert.