It is simply just another version of Golden Gate for PostgreSQL, it is called Ark-CDC from ArkData Solutions. By using this tool, you can have a real backup replication from Oracle Database while enabling the migration system into PostgreSQL based Applications.
It guarantees the data will stay intact and preserve the data integrity as before, well proven in mission critical systems. Ora2PG Replication is the real-time heterogeneous DB replication solution for fast and safely replicating data between two different OS and DB environments.
With direct log access, it directly accesses transaction log files and extracts changed data without loading performances of the source server. Replicating heterogeneous DB is possible by sending data to target DBMS in any platform environment.
How could ArkCDC ensure data integrity on replication DB/OS?
How could ArkData do real-time replication while enabling the migration system into PostgreSQL based Applications?
What is the difference between ArkCDC compared to Oracle Golden Gate?
In this session, our Experts will explain in-depth knowledge about how ArkCDC can be a solution for the real-time heterogeneous DB replication solution for fast and safely replicating data between two different OS and DB environments.
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